What is it ? - 'IRON' is an interactive musicvideo.It’s based on sound samples from the
Neuf·du·papE song 'IRON' and the (shorter) remix version 'IRON - Less is more', and vision samples from here and there.
How to use ? - Run the program, there really isn’t that much to it. It works quite like your usual musicvideo, only it´s nonlinear, you can interact (very hype). By clicking the different images you control the composition of both the music and the video.
System ? - 'IRON' should run on System 6 (or something) and up. Color monitor is a must. You don’t need a lot of colors, just a few, say 16, will do fine. As for the CPU, 'IRON' was created on a Centris 610 with 8 MB ram, but it will probably run ok on smaller machines with minimum 4 MB.
Who the f... is Neuf·du·papE ? - Neuf·du·papE is a danish 3 man electronic orchestra. We joined in ´91 an split in ’94. During our existence, we expirienced a minor radio succes but were too lacy to get a record deal.
Why was this made ? - Primarily 'IRON' was created for the fun of it. Secondarily it was made to prove that multimedia is not reserved for big guys (like Gabriel, Prince & Bowie) who can afford to have a big people working big time on a CD-rom project. We, the little people, can use this new media as well. See this project as a challenge to top us, to do something better. Multimedia is a brand new media with no predefined uses, explore it and find totally new ways of expression.
'IRON' is 100% freeware. Give it to all your friends. Just remember to also copy this read me. If you enjoy it (or hate it), send a stupid postcard or something to:
Jesper Birk, Thunoegade 24 st th, 8000 Aarhus C, Denmark.